Protection Orders in Ohio

A protection order can help keep you safe if you are experiencing domestic or dating violence, stalking or sexual violence. Learn more about the different types of protection orders and how to get one in Ohio.

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Understanding the Basics

See what you need to know to take action.

A protection order is an official document from a judge. When a judge issues a protection order, they are ordering an abuser to stop certain actions which helps to keep the victim safe. The protection order can tell an abuser to stop actions like:

The judge can order protection for up to five years. The order can also protect your children or other family and household members if they are in danger.

Having a protection order does not guarantee your safety. Sometimes, asking for a protection order can make the violence worse. Domestic violence advocates can help you understand the warning signs that can increase your risk. To decide if getting a protection order is a good legal option for you, talk to a lawyer.

Protection orders vs. restraining orders

You might recognize the term "restraining order." A protection order and a restraining order mean different things in Ohio. The major differences are:

Types of protection orders

There are different types of protection orders in Ohio, including civil, criminal and temporary protection orders. There are four types of civil protection orders.

The type you can file for depends on:

The four types of civil protection orders are:

There does not need to be a criminal case or conviction against the abuser to file for any type of civil protection order.

Besides the four types of civil protection orders, Ohio has two more protection orders called:

Your DVTPO or CRPO ends when the criminal case ends. That means the DVTPO or CRPO will end immediately if:

Your DVTPO or CRPO also expires if you get a civil protection order or if a consent agreement is ordered because of the same act of violence or threat. If you have a DVTPO or CRPO and are interested in a civil protection order, you should speak with a lawyer to understand how filing could affect your safety.

The risks of getting a civil protection order

Requesting a civil protection order has benefits and risks. Your risk may increase if: